Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Thursday, October 29, 2015

CVICU Day 37

Steele is looking great and our Attending Cardiology Team have said today would be a great day for a new heart. The matching process may take a while however. Steele is 15 pounds! His growth chart is pretty much in a straight vertical line, so they are going to continue with his milk feeding schedule and pull back on the TPN. Since there is the one central line going into his chest, we are doing the "Line Defense! Line Defense!" cheer everyday during rounds.

Ryleigh is adjusting well in her new preschool programs, she loves to visit Steele whenever possible at LPCH, and she is in love with the Ronald McDonald House! There are so many fun and cool things for the kids to do.

You may have seen this on FB already, but here it is again:

Ryleigh is going to be a great role model for Steele


  1. So precious! Here's to a new heart for Steele before Halloween!

  2. Thank you, we hope so, too! ! Xoxo

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