Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Saturday, October 3, 2015

CVICU Day 11

Hi Friends. Steele was approved for the heart transplant list yesterday morning around 10am. Best birthday present ever! One note about "The List" is this, patients can be moved up and down a 4 level scale depending on an algorithm that all the medical team buys into. I have not figured it out yet, but he is listed at a 1A, which is the highest and most critical need for the organ.

We talked last week about his lines that were placed into his chest. Here's a current pic (taken on 10.2.74)

You notice the area around his left shoulder has inflammation and a line coming out of the skin. This is called the central catheter and it allows direct access to the veins that carry blood to Steele's heart. The placement of this line has caused the Bracial Plexus nerve or some combination of the nerves to make is arm lay limply at his side with a clinched wrist. 
Here's a visual:

Our medical staff has done ultrasound to determine if the following were going to interrupt his overall mobility and may prevent his status as a 1A. The team could not find anything abnormal, but Steele is still not giving his left arm the usual movement as he likes. He is wants to throw his right arm over to sleep on his side, but since the placement of the central line, he does not use his left arm to throw him the opposite direction.

So, now there is a discussion happening about moving the central line out all together. Very frustrating due to the focus on getting "access" to his heart and central arteries for measurements and meds. Time will tell.

I want to personally thank all of you and continue to thank all of you for the Steele Fight for Life Campaign!

We had a huge day today over 7K raised for our family!!! Truly thanks. Please continue to spread the word:

If you have 5 minutes, you can always help us in the following ways:

1) Share our link ( on your Facebook Timeline.
2) Email our link ( to 5-10 of your closest friends and relatives.
3) Send lots of positive thoughts to Steele Thwing's community.

Thanks again for your support!


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