Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

CVICU Day 15

Steele continues to show signs of improvement with his arm mobility. He started to move his shoulder on his own and we continue to give him the Physical Therapy he needs to recover from the Radial Nerve issue. Steele was given a blood transfusion this afternoon because of low trending in his red blood cell count and oxygen saturation levels. We are still listed and actively looking for an organ donor. Palo Alto is starting to feel a little more normal outside of the construction crew that is working on driving me nuts at 1am every morning. I think its time to purchase the ear plugs.....ughh.

All in all life is straightening out its twisted back down here. We are becoming more familiar with our CVICU Team and our nearby surroundings. We miss our dear daughter Ryleigh, but are able to Skype with her nearly every night. If you have not heard, Rachel's mother, Sarah, has been watching Ryleigh everyday since my journey down to Stanford. A huge thanks to Sarah for taking on such a monumental task! If you have been following the news, you know about the terrible storm that impacted almost the entire state of South Carolina. Sarah is from Columbia, SC. We hope that all your loved one's are safe and sound. Please be thinking of her family and all the families who live in South Carolina trying to put their lives back together after such a terrible string of disasters.

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