Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Monday, October 5, 2015

CVICU Day 13

It was a birthday weekend to remember! San Francisco is quite a town. Went to the Hardly Strictly Blue Grass Festival in Golden Gate park & visited the Mission District for some modern cuisine.

Steele's arm is still not fully mobilized. He is moving it around from the elbow down, but his wrist is still flexed in a pretty tight fist. The neurology team visited him again this morning and think it his Radial Nerve was either compressed or stretched in the Cath Lab when his central line was placed. Often patients are put into awkward body positions, so they can see exactly where the line is going. Its not certain whether or not the nerve was injured during this procedure, but it is certain that he lost the mobility after the Cath Lab. The good news is it will most likely not be permanent damage.

Pediatric Physical Therapy came by and gave us a tutorial on how to help him get the daily mobility he needs to recover. So it's a time and therapy piece. The team also thinks the Central Line is okay for now, it is not causing nerve inflammation or damage. Thank goodness!!

The last piece of the puzzle is for our insurance to approve the transplant surgery and some lab work for his blood type. He should be good to go in a day or two.

A new chapter for Steele is coming....

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