Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Saturday, October 10, 2015

CVICU Day 18

Saturday's are much easier now in the CVICU

The week went fairly well. The biggest concern was getting his feeding schedule straightened out. Steele was having trouble keeping all the medications (6) down along with the breast milk. Rachel and I talked about his history with reflux and not being able to stomach all the medicines at once. The medications were spread out over the course of a couple of hours and the vomiting problem seems to be gone for the moment.

His arm mobility is much improved, he has a custom splint that he wears for 3 hours and then 3 hours off around the clock. Rachel and I continue to help with his arm therapy and mobility. He moved his arm from the shoulder on his own in the last couple of days and his fingers are moving on their own. Very good signs. Neurology determined in was the positioning of his arm in the Cath Lab that stretched out the nerve which gave him this injury :[. 

He has been running a fever off and on in the last two days which may be associated with him coming off the morphine and his heart rate continues to be high when he gets upset. It takes Steele about 30-60 minutes to bring his heart rate down once he gets revved up! He is finally starting to show his true personality again now that the pain management medications are being weened off. We are still listed as 1A on the transplant list waiting for the big call. 

Enjoy the weekend friends & thank you for your continued support for his Fight For Life.

1 comment:

  1. Brenden- I miss seeing you at work. We all do. I'm thinking about you guys all of the time. Thanks for keeping us posted with Steele's progress. Good luck!
