Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

CVICU Day 21


Oregon Represent!

Steele's pain and sedation treatments are being taken away, but it has caused his heart rate to be in the 200-220 range for the last 24 hours. This event is called Tachycardia. Pretty terrifying watching his heart work that hard for hours and hours. There are high risks involved with Tachycardia such as heart failure or a stroke. He is not showing signs of either. Our medical team thinks it was caused from withdrawal from his pain treatment. So, they are going back up on the morphine and ativan until his heart rate comes down to 160-170 range.

We don't know how this will affect his status on the transplant list. Please say a prayer and send positive thoughts his way today.


  1. Breathing in his pain and struggle (and yours). Breathing out peace, ease, and light. Sending all that your way!

  2. Breathing in his pain and struggle (and yours). Breathing out peace, ease, and light. Sending all that your way!

  3. Love you guys! Steele is such a badass.
