Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Monday, October 26, 2015

CVICU Day 34

It's been a long journey back home to Portland and back to Palo Alto.

It all started on October 14th with a plane ride back to Portland. Thank you to Tobin Nelson's Family for providing my ticket home. It sure felt great to land in Portland. My good friend and former teaching colleague, Jim Edson, picked me up. I could not have asked for a better reception. Thanks Jim! We arrived at my home and Ryleigh was out the front porch yelling at me "come here! come here!". Yes, the tears again. It was so good to hug my little girl again.

Saa Saa was scheduled to leave early in the morning, so we prepared for her departure and called it a night. I cannot thank the Sanchez family in a lifetimes how much they have supported us during this journey with Steele.

After Saa Saa left in the morning, I left for Seattle for a Spartan Race and a visit with my sister's family in Renton, WA. The mud race went really well and I cannot thank her and Chris for being such wonderful hosts. I really needed a release of stress and temporary leave of absence from the hospital. I love my sister, Katie, Chris and their son Max! Thanks so much Robinson's!!!

Returned back to Portland to begin the shut down of the house and pack up the Versa with Ryleigh. Mounds of lists and tasks that seem never ending. Ryleigh woke up in the morning with a fever and vomiting. Ok, not leaving today or tomorrow, I wanted to sprint down to Palo Alto, but I am not able to do so for the fear of the viruses that will capture both of us and make our arrival to Palo Alto not possible. At RMH & LPCH, you are not allowed to stay or visit the facilities if you have symptoms like coughing, sniffling, running nose, we decided to stay in Portland until Ryleigh was well and I was not going to get what she had.

After sorting through a mountain of mail and many phone calls to bill collectors, I was ready to begin the process of shutting down our SE Portland home. Everything went paperless, heat, electricity and water are keeping the house alive. Two days later, we were clear and left for highway 101. Yes, a longer trip than I-5, but I highly recommend the extra time for ease and beauty of the West Coast. Ry and I hit Bandon the first night and slept easily after a long day of cleaning and packing.

Bye Bye Portland, Hello Palo Alto!

Once you are on the road, you're having a choice. Go or stop. After 11 hours of travel, we are arrived in Palo Alto. Spent the weekend getting settled into our 125 sq/ft room and giving Ryleigh the RMH orientation. She is so amazing and adaptable to this whole situation. I am awe struck at how well she has handled this whole scenario so far.

Ryleigh is back in pre-school here in Palo Alto for two days this week. We hope to have her back at 5 days next week. Baby Steele is doing awesome, I think he and his medical team have found their common ground. He is listed again as 1A, so now it's the waiting game.


  1. So glad he's back at the top of the list! Looking forward to more good news! Sending love!

  2. I love that picture!!! Ryleigh is such an amazing little girl. She is independent, resourceful and resilient - just like her mom & dad. I am glad you took the scenic road, you have to enjoy life's pleasures when & where you can. I know that Ryleigh's presence in Palo Alto will bring you, Rachel & Steele a lot of joy.
