Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 7--Evening

Big day today. Moved out of the PICU into the Intermediate Care Unit or called the "Floor" by all staffing. All I can says is "WOW!". We have our son Steele and he is in fine condition. He was up and viewing the world with his blue eyes. I could feel his energy today, especially as he pooped in his diaper! He is the baby that was born on June 16th, a young boy with a new heart, ready for life. The current unit that he was moved to is so much less stress than the PICU and there is a lighter amount of overall stress in communication with our medical staffing. Not to lessen the amount of care that he is receiving, but it feels more like home is coming soon.

The same requirements are in place for all safety protocols, but Rachel and I are now more in charge of his care and bed time assistance. Rachel was visited by over 10 medical departments from Speech to Respiratory. We still have much to learn, but you can tell we are getting closer to that discharge door.

I think Steele indicated that he has had enough of the hospital in this photo:

We love you bud, I am so proud how far you have come in just one week! 

1 comment:

  1. I have read this post like five times and every time it brings me joyful tears. Steele, you are so inspiring, as are your awesome parents. And I love that you are already flipping the bird; way to go, kid! Thank you Brenden for your wonderful writing and for the daily reality check. Much love to you all.
