Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6, 2015--Week 3 at OHSU

Rachel headed into the PICU this morning and she was told that Steele would be transitioning to the "Floor" in the next 24-48 hours. This is a big step for both the parents and child. It means that Steele will be discharged from the PICU and moved to the unit where the babies that are not critical will stay until his final discharge from the hospital. Rachel and I will receive the training for his transition home throughout the entire week. The lines in the neck and radial artery on his right arm are being removed today as well, two less machines. Steele is getting nutrition from an IV and through a nasogastric tube with breast milk. His feeding is going very well, we are shooting for a goal of 15ml of milk every 2 hours. Once Steele's tummy can handle the digestion of 60ml/day we are looking very good to come home granted there are no other breathing or cardiovascular issues. His CPAP is still pushing air through his nose, but they are using a smaller device to deliver the air. You could tell that he was somewhat uncomfortable with the "SCUBA" mask the last couple of days, so I'm really happy that is gone for now. All his vitals look great and I think we are looking good today. Rachel is getting as much snuggle time as possible, while I am preparing the final touches on his room in our SE Portland house.

I shouldn't be anxious about his recovery going so smoothly, but my guard is always up about how quickly things can change with babies. Although he is not so little for his age, the medical team assures Rachel and I that we are very fortunate to have a term baby that was in great shape minus the HLHS issue. I keep telling myself, one thing at a time, one step at time....

I will be leaving a week from today to fetch Ryleigh in South Carolina and bring her back to Portland. I cannot believe that nearly a month has passed before us.

1 comment:

  1. 'Loved wonderful update. Yay Steele!!!! And you parents are awesome! See you & Ryleigh this weekend Brenden, and Rachel you will be in our hearts & minds every minute. Love you!
