Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 1, 2015

Today was a great day! Rachel arrived at the PICU around noon and heard the news that Steele's chest incision would be closed sometime in the afternoon tomorrow! This is the first of many steps to get him home:

1. Drain fluids from surgery--His kidney's will do most of the work and they are!
2. Close chest incision
3. Get off of oxygen ventilator
4. Move out of PICU
5. Begin eating milk again
6. Training on how to transition home
7. Safety check and discharge

His skin color looks so much better today as well. He is really doing a great job with the recovery so far. Initially, the surgeons indicated that Friday would be a landmark day for the chest closure, he is a day ahead of schedule!!

He is doing so great, we are so relieved after two really hard days of unknown stability and recovery. Way to go Steele!


  1. This site is awesome. 'Loved today's great update!!!

  2. Hooray! Great news. Steele is a strong little guy with the best parents anyone could ask for. Thank you for keeping this blog. You guys are amazing! Big hugs.
