Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Sunday, July 5, 2015

July 5th

I hope everyone and their pet survived the evening. Thanks very much to Andy and Renee Enna for hosting an awesome 4th! These two have been so supportive over the years, we love you both so much!!

Okay, back to the updates on Baby Steele. We arrived at the PICU and were so surprised to see how many of the the machines and medicines have been taken away. The extubation was a success yesterday which happened in the evening while Rachel was by his side and holding his hand. He was put on Continuous Positive Air Pressure or CPAP through his nose after removing the tubes. The chest tubes that were allowing fluids to drain from his abdomen were removed as well. His skin coloring looks great and we you can finally see his whole face again. All of his blood gas reports this morning indicate that he is trying to balance his metabolism. All in all, very good report this morning. We have been told that the main goals for today are to keep up the breathing and allow his lungs to adjust accordingly. Steele was taken off all the pain medications and a blood thinner called Heparin. He has really made some huge strides in his recovery thus far. There is still the buzzing and pumping noises in the background, but it is so much quieter in his "room" today.

We missed his awake time this morning, but I'm sure that he will rise again. When I get to see his eyes open, he has the look in there that says "I got this Dad...." I will keep on saying this: "He is a fighter!" This whole experience has me thinking about the meaning of strength and how the human body is so capable of healing itself. I am truly awe struck at this point.

We have been told that we can hold him again, hopefully my turn this time.

Rachel and I sure miss Ryleigh, great to talk with her last night via skype. Only 7 days till we reunite in South Carolina and make the trip back to Portland. I cannot thank Miriam and Rob McAtee enough for all the surrogate parenting that has been going on in the last 3 weeks. We owe you guys big time for taking in our daughter in your home. Rachel and I are so lucky to have such a wonderful and loving family.

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