Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Friday, December 21, 2018

Post Fontan OHSU Floor Day 8, 9 & 10

Free at last! Free at last!
The last three days have been a blur. Rachel and I are trading 24 hour shifts at the hospital. Each day has been better than the last. His chest tubes and pacing wires were pulled out yesterday morning. This was huge. It means that Steele will be on the watch list for discharge. This morning we were notified that he would be discharged! Yes, yes, yes! Home for Christmas bud, we are so proud of your bravery and strength to get through this. His vitals look good, he was pulled off all the machines and is running, yes, running around the halls of the hospital this morning. Unbelievable that just 10 days ago he had his chest sawed open and a massive surgery to boot.

His team did their final rounds, and we are heading home. There are still a few medications on board that will be weened off eventually in the next few months down to just an aspirin. Crazy. There has even been talk of taking out his G-Tube! That will be the day that I will know we have moved on to the next chapter.

There are still many follow-up appointments coming, but I feel like we have just gotten through the craziest storm of our lives and the sun is shining my friends. 

The hardest part will be chasing him around to make sure he doesn't injure himself around the house. He's on a party and play restriction for 6 weeks. Thanks to everyone who have been so supportive over the years. This year's holiday season does feel much different. Our family is very grateful to all of you and we wish you the best of holidays!

I will continue to write in this journal as we move forward. Take care~B


  1. Yay! So glad you guys are busting out of Club D! Merry Christmas!

  2. I am so excited for all of you! Merry Christmas!

  3. So happy Steele got to be home for Christmas. I hope all is still progressing well and wishing you all a peaceful 2019.
