Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Fontan OHSU PICU Day 2

Good morning friends and family,

First of all, thank you all for your prayers and thoughts yesterday. As parents waiting in hospital purgatory, your messages mean more than you know. It was a stressful day for everyone, but you all ease the mental work of it all.

Back to the patient, Mr.Steele. He did well overnight, sedated and comfortable. The only hiccup was heart arrhythmia. This was to be expected for children who have his condition and fontan surgery. The nerves that do the "firing" of his ventricles are out of sync, so the surgeons place pacemaker wires as a preventative measure to control the heart rhythm if necessary. His surgeon stopped by and gave the thumbs up on everything else and the fellow on the unit said the arrhythmia should not be a permanent problem. Time will tell as usual.

There is a plan to extubate this afternoon so he can start to breathe on his own, which moves along everything else in recovery. Steele began to wake up around 1000 and was moving his lips that he had "owies". We're so sorry bud, so more meds to calm you down until extubation.

Rachel and I are doing much better after a much needed nights rest. Ryleigh has made her list for Santa, which includes "infinity roblox and her whole bedroom to be roblox and put the rest of the stuff on the ground"?? I'm not sure what the translation is Santa, but there you go.

Thank you to SaaSaa for all the help with everything, we are truly grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted you to know there are a lot of us out here reading this blog and looking for updates on the regular. Steele, you are one amazing kid! Rachel and Brenden, well, words fail me. Glad you got some rest and hope there is more of that in your future. And Ryleigh, that's the best Santa list ever. I am sure you're at the top of the nice list. So much love to all of you!
