Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Friday, April 22, 2016

Heart & Fundraising Updates

There are so many people surrounding Steele with kindness, generosity, and love. I am in awe of how "Steele's Community" continues to grow and galvanize greatness. Most recently, CrossFit Woodstock, CrossFit FortVancouver, CrossFit PE, and Kroeger Inc. put together a fundraiser for Baby Steele. I am so grateful to all the endured the workout and donated to his fight for life campaign, Special thanks to Mona Matthews and Dawn Sibilia for organizing the collaboration between gyms and honoring Steele with a WOD. Truly, thank you all so very much, you are very special individuals and organizations. The CrossFit community is a genuine article of health and strength. Congratulations to Dawn Sibilia for winning the CrossFit Open in her group! Awesome work Dawn.

CrossFit Fort Vancouver

Crossfit Woodstock

Watching, but not WODDING at Woodstock

The official "Steele" WOD

On April 13th, Steele had a regular Cardio Echo gram and follow-up with Dr.Kelly. This is a day to remember for three reasons:
1. The Echo exam changed his transplant status from 7A to not on the list! His heart function went from severe/moderate to "moderate", this means he is getting strong as he grows and so is the single ventricle.
2. Dr.Rosenthal from LPCH sent Dr.Kelly a message indicating that if Steele's heart function improved at the appointment, then he would not need to travel to California! Huge news!! This will continue to be the plan until his heart function does not continue to improve or worsens.
3. Dr.Kelly thought that if he stays on this trajectory, then there is a 75% chance he will move forward with the 3rd and final surgery.

Very good news for Mr.Steele and the sanity of his parents! What a relief. Steele will continue to be evaluated on a monthly basis at OHSU and his PCP at Kaiser.

I have been receiving inquiries about the fundraising and how to donate. I am going to set-up an account for Steele's Community, so that you will be able to donate directly to a secure account with no fees, etc.... Thank you all for your continued support and help with our families needs. I will send out the information to a private party and you will be able to contact them directly for donation instructions within the next 7 days.

Take care Friends of Steele, we could not do this without you all!

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