Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Monday, December 28, 2015

Happy Holidays Team Steele--The final countdown has begun

It has been quite a week around Menlo Park. Visits from friends, clinic appointments, getting all those lists to Santa, and trying to rest in between. Whew, what a week. All was accomplished however and we even a had visit from my Sister and family. Thanks for making the effort Robinson's!

Happy Holidays Team Steele

Today was Steele's last clinic appointment before the surgery on January 5th. His weight, height, coloring, and pulses look well enough to move forward. We were finally able to meet his surgeon, Dr.Meada. After a brief visit, he was on his way. There is still great concern around his tricuspid valve and the stent in the aortic arch. The plan is still to leave the stent alone and there will be an additional surgery at some point or wait until the third and final surgery on or before his third birthday. Neurology stopped by to check on this left arm before he goes in on 1/5. His bicep needs a bit of PT, looks like I'll be buying that kettlebell set after all for him. All other neuro looked normal, PT will start again post-surgery.

His final pre-operation appointment will be on January 4th. At this time, there were will be a final Echo cardiogram to take measurements and look at the heart anatomy one last time before surgery. Blood labs will be drawn as well, it is unclear if they will sedate Steele during this appointment. Most likely he will be sedated with a local or oral medication, no intubation or cath lab worries on this visit.

My anxiety is becoming more apparent as we get closer to the 5th. We will have to revisit his post-operation in the CVICU, which will not be easy, but at least I am ready for it this time. The recovery can take 1-2 weeks depending on how well his heart responds to the passive system.

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