Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CVICU 8 Days

Good day for Steele yesterday. They pulled him off the CPAP, put him on assisted 02 Canulet, and his feeds returned in small increments. This made life much better. His pain meds were also lowered and one was taken away. Temperature returned to normal and a pretty happy guy.

Today is completely different. Super fussy because of withdrawal from pain meds, HR increased and he needs a new PICC line. The old one step forward two steps back routine. Since Steele is a new patient, they have not quite dialed him in with all the medications. They hauled him off to the Cath Lab for a new PICC line. The Cath Team told us that they would go in through one of his lower extremities in the femoral artery. When we showed up after getting a phone call that he was done, they had completely changed the plan without our consent.

Not only had they changed the location of the PICC line to his upper chest, they intubated him again. I'm at my limit with this. There will be a discussion of why we were not contacted prior to the change and why was this change necessary?

Not a good day for Steele or his parents & especially not a good day for the staffing at LPCH after the fact that we were not informed before moving his PICC line.

I have been working with a team to get a fundraising site going, which should launch in the next couple of days from "Give Forward". You will be notified via email and social media--Look for this logo:

Thanks to Geoff Cecil for the logo!

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