Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Monday, August 10, 2015

August 10th

Back to visit Steele this morning in the PICU at OHSU. Report this morning: The infected tissue swelling is not spreading and the antibiotics are doing their job by bringing the infection down, no additional intervention needed at this point. Steele is still in a lot of pain however, very fussy. Between not being fed his regular diet and the infection, not a happy camper. His central line that was in his Femoral Artery is being taken out this morning and being replaced with a pic line in his lower left extremity.

More poking, more proding, it never ends. He will indefinietly be at OHSU for another week while the antibiotics and all other symptoms take their course, there is no discussion of moving him out of the PICU at this time, pretty frustrating. The good news is, there are no further issues at this point, he just needs rest and time to heal.

All the Doc's and Cardio Specialists cannot tell whether the infection was present before or after the cath procedure, but the infection is what set off this latest course of action for his extended stay. He will get xray's every 12 hours that will show the internal side of how the infection is taking its course, which is a longer duration than the 6 hour scheduling. An Echo-Cardiogram will be done this afternoon to show how well the Angioplasty is taking in his Aortic Arch (Blood Flow to the Right Ventrical).

Ryleigh made it safely down to Eugene with my parents and is doing well. Thanks to Mom and Dad for giving us the time we need at the hospital with Steele.

Alright, back to the time funnel at OHSU, happy Monday.

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