Baby Steele

Baby Steele

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 27, 2018

Hello Friends!

I know it has been a while. Life moves on and so does Mr.Steele. He has a big day coming ip on December 11th. Steele has visited the Cath Lab for some final pictures before the surgery to take measurements and look around for anything new since his last operation back in 2016. Steele is 3.5 years old now, weighs about 19 kg's, and is a healthy young boy ready for his next big moment in life, The Fontan surgery. Below is a magnified picture of his Aortic Arch with the original stent that was placed to rebuild his interrupted arch during the Norwood surgery. After the Cath Lab visit at OHSU, his team went round and round about what to do with the stent issue. When you look at the image, you will notice how much larger the vessels are on the left and right of the stent. This is causing an unnecessary amount of blood to flow in that area which can cause his heart to work that much harder, so that needs to be fixed. There were all kinds of discussions on what to do, but we settled on making an incision in the current stent and grafting tissue to both sides, like a clam shell, so the stent will not have to be removed and the tissue will grow with him into early adulthood. In addition to the Fontan & stent procedures, he will also have a stitch put in his mitral valve due to leakage. I know a tall order for one day.

We have been assured that this can happen in one stage vs. 2 stages, but it will be a very long day for everyone.

Our family is doing well, Ryleigh is 2nd grade, Rachel is teaching at PCC, and I continue the never ending task of educating our youth in high school. I will be updating this is often as I can as the surgery date gets closer and continue our journey together in the hospital as well.

Thanks to all who continue to support our family during these life changing phases. Happy Holidays!